There are numerous partnerships are in place for conservation on the Island and also in the local community with the tourism industry, private business, research groups and community groups.
- We are in close partnership with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority & Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service to ensure best sustainability outcomes on the island.
- Reef Island’s Initiative: first public-private partnership model for this size for conservation on the Great Barrier Reef. This initiative brings the Resort, local businesses, Government, community and Traditional Owners together to work to protect important Island habitats on the Great Barrier Reef in the face of increasing threats and climate change. Lady Elliot Island is the first out of four Islands under this program which is funded by Lendlease, the Australian Government, the Queensland Government and the Fitzgerald Family Foundation.
- Low Glow community partnership: as part of our Greenfleet partnership working with the Bundaberg local community for turtle conservation.
- In addition to our Reef Monitoring and Project Manta partnerships we work with local community groups including Friends of the Coral Cays and local Landcare groups, Tangaroa Blue, Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef and Currumbin wildlife hospital.
- Peter Gash is an in-demand speaker on the subject of ecotourism and conversation and strives to share our conservation success stories to inspire others to take action.
We support our local community
Our sustainability platform and business model has led to a significant contribution to our local community and economy which was steadily grown over time through our Buy and Employ local policies.
We also support groups that help others in need such as the Make-a-wish foundation, Marine Rescue Hervey Bay, Elliot Heads Surf Live Saving, Royal Flying Doctors Service, Cancer Council, Relay for Life etc. Please contact us if you need help with a worthy cause!